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React.Cologne is an Open Space for everyone

The React Cologne meetup is a community effort. We want to build a meetup for the community, by the community. Everybody can suggest topics – something you want to talk about, or something you would like to hear about – and the community will vote on which topics are covered in the meetup. Topics can cover anything that the community is interested in and is not strictly confined to React. In the past topics like APIs, testing, DevOps etc. were also popular.

  1. Arrive

    Chat, Grab a Drink

    6:00 pm - 6:30 pm

  2. Greeting

    Host Intro

    6:30 pm - 7:00 pm

  3. Session Planning

    Your Suggestions

    7:00 pm - 7:30 pm

  4. Slot #1

    With 2 Tracks

    7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

  5. Slot #2

    With 2 Tracks

    8:30 pm - 9:30 pm

  6. After Hour

    Chat, Drink, Hang out

    9:30 pm - 10:30 pm

You want to host a React.Cologne meetup?

We invite everyone in our community to host an event. React.Cologne is a community meetup and not run by a single company. Our hosts sponsor the meetup by providing a suitable location, free drinks and snacks for their event.

We require future hosts to attend at least one previous meetup event. We do this to make sure that they see how a React.Cologne meetup is usually run, and to ensure that companies are invested into our community beyond just a single event.

We have around 35-50 participants and need room for 2 parallel sessions, so your location should be suitable for it. Your location should also be accessible from central Cologne with public transport.

If you’re interested in hosting a React.Cologne meetup, join us on Slack.